Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Single for Spring

Every spring, I become a single woman. I am what some have referred to as a baseball widow. I'll settle for just plain ole baseball wife. I sacrifice my husband to the cause. Really, I have come a long way since we first married. I used to LOATHE and DESPISE baseball. I have told my hubs on more than one occasion that I'd rather watch paint dry than watch a baseball game. The past two or three years, though, I have given in, and actually go to the games when it is nice outside. I have to admit, I even get excited about the games now.

Serious baseball face pose...
I knew the moment I was pregnant that C-Bizzle was a boy. I just felt it in my bones that I was destined to have a house full of baseball playing boys. I have accepted my lot in life. I just didn't expect it to start so early. C went with the sitter to the baseball field for the first time this season today. At least he was dressed appropriately, in his Nike baseball onesie.

Daddy got him this glove at their last baseball conference.
He loves it. Greeeaaat.

Mmm salty leather baseball glove
Just in case there was any chance he might not like baseball, we have tons of baseball things to introduce him at a tender age.

He's got the idea. Get the BALL.Seriously, he tried to put the glove on it. I am not making this up. Pictures don't lie.
Mom, how do you get this dang ball off the tee? Tee ball is for sissies.
Stretches like a first baseman already.Focus
Serious face just like Daddy's...
More focus
FINALLY got it. Working out what pitch to do

He really worked up a sweat.
"Again, with the pictures, ma?"

I am sure he will LOVE when I bring my
amazing mom camera to ALL of his games in a few years.
Buster really wanted to play ball, too, but he was good and just laid REALCLOSE to the ball and CB.

This is how I feel about baseball, too, C-Man.
At least, for now, he is still mommy's boy.
I'll take it for as long as he will stay my boy :)
But pretty soon, I'll have to wear shirts like this...

And have stickers and t-shirts that say stuff like this.

Hopefully, I won't go full on baseball mom style like this...

Then I may be single for longer than spring :)


  1. I refuse to accept the last past of this. You will under no circumstances wear beadazzled baseball clothes....EVER! I will disown you.

  2. Made me laugh to myself...please don't bedazzle your clothes and be the foulest mouth at the ball park - believe me, i've seen these moms. HAHA.

  3. I feel your pain...I loathe football season. And it's so much harder with a baby. You will survive! Just enjoy the summer when he's off.

  4. Fear not, Haley, I know that you would never allow me to leave the house in a bedazzled baseball shirt. When have I ever left the house in a bedazzled anything, though, really? I think never. I'm safe on that one. The jorts and permed never know. I could relapse. You've seen me with a perm before. Miraculously, you still admit to the general public that I am your sister. You're so loving.

    Emily, I know you do! Unfortunately, I find it hard not to become insanely jealous of him in the summer!
