Friday, March 11, 2011

Definitely Not Perfect

I saw on another blog this week a comment about how people's lives are all perfect on facebook and it gave me the idea that I should post all of the imperfections in my day. Not that I don't tell you all about my missteps and mistakes on this blog, but to put it out there in total honesty what my day really looks like. It's not all organic baby food and smiles, but it's a pretty great life, none the less.

I will use yesterday since today was pretty great (short day at work, lunch with a friend, manicure and pedicure, and now hanging out with my family).

Yesterday was another story. I may or may not be the biggest bitty on earth.

1. Yelled at the dogs before 6 am
2. Stayed in bed with CB until 8 (not a total fail since the mornings are my cuddle time with my sweet baby)
3. Ate a bowl of sugar Lucky Charms (not clean for sure!)
4. Ate the cereal milk with a spoon (I know some people loathe cereal milk eaters)
5. Rolled into work at about 10
6. Forgot my lunch
7. Wrote a snotty letter to another attorney
8. Nearly sprained my eyeballs rolling them at a client on the phone
9. Yelled at Billbo for not reading my mind no good reason
10. Stopped for gas but got in the car and on the road only to realize the pump cut off after only filling up 1/2 of the tank (no wonder I'm always running out of gas).
11. Yelled at the dogs and CB because they were having a barking/screaming competition while I was trying to get C's dinner ready
12. Yelled at the dogs at least 10 more times to get out from under my feet because they hovered under me while I was throwing our dinner together, hoping I might drop some food.
13. Threw the dogs some chicken out of guilt after yelling at them for hovering under me for food.
14. Served and ate dinner at 7:45 p.m.
15. Got prescription (aka not tear free) shampoo in C's eye.

Sounds like a crappy day, huh? Makes me sound like a total b*%#$, no? Well, it was, and I can be. Decidedly imperfect.

Here's something that I did pretty well, though.

I'll take it :)

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