Saturday, March 5, 2011

Charmed Life

As I told you earlier this week we were going to do, today, we celebrated my sweet niece's 4th birthday with (what else) a Princess Party! Everyone was ordered by the Princess asked to don our finest royal gear. I did not take nearly as many pictures as I wanted to. My sister (the birthday girl's mom) went all out in her royal gear, as did Geeze (our mom).

Since C-Bizzle is a boy, he is short on Princess gear, but again, I didn't want to get booed out of the party, so I made him a little something to wear. After all, it's never too early in life to start getting embarrassed by your cheapo untalented creative mom.

Here we are in our Princess finest, only, Daddy did not see the importance of capturing my amazing crown in the picture.

Take 2. At least my crown is visible, notifying everyone of my royal rank. (I couldn't find one that said "Queen B"). Carter looks like he's gotten into the royal punch already.

Here is little Miss G, the Birthday Princess. Happy 4th Birthday! We love you! This pretty much sums up our little princess...when I was helping her mom get everything in the car, G said "Mommy, thank you for my party." It was so sweet and no one told her to say it. It would've melted a heart of stone. Then, she followed it immediately with "hold my wand." That is not a joke. She rules her kingdom with grace and authority. Ha.

G is not a modest princess. She also knows the importance of a wardrobe change during the party.

And here we are for wardrobe change #2.
Prince Charming had so much fun having all of those princesses in his house, that he wanted to blog about it. (I'm pretty sure he and daddy are watching baseball online. I don't have a prayer!)

Unrelated, but a charming picture, none the less. My sweet Prince Charming and our little devil child princess love each other so much.

It's a charmed life.

Look forward to more food posts this week!

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