Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Today I bought Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred so that I can work out in the morning and not forfeit any of my time with my little man since he is a good sleeper and doesn't usually wake up until 7 or later. (yay and knock on wood). I usually just sleep in until he wakes up. I will have to set an alarm and get up before he does. Now I have put it out here on the internet and I have to do it! My plan is to start tomorrow morning. Wish me luck. I hope to see results soon.

On that note, I would love to post some results from my clean eating plan, however, my scale is on the fritz. That is not a made up story like my dog ate my homework. I got on the scale Monday to see what my progress was after two full weeks and it said I was down 20 pounds from my original weight. Before you run out the door to buy the Eat Clean Diet book I've been using, I had the feeling that the 20 pound weight loss was a little too good to be true. I stepped back on the scale and it said that I was up 2 pounds from my original weight. So in a matter of seconds, the scale gave me two different weights that were 22 pounds apart. Riiiiight. So for now, I am using the ole tried and true "are my pants too tight?" method to gauge my weight loss since none of my clients find it necessary to pay their bills and I cannot get a new fancy scale right now. Maybe Santa will bring me a scale. Or a paycheck. Either would be much appreciated. For now, what I can tell you all is that my pants, while still tighter (and MUCH larger) than I would like, they are also less tight than they were before I started this. I can actually tell I have lost a little bit of weight. Maybe it is better that I can't weigh myself. This way, when I actually do get to a scale, I will have a massive weight loss number since I won't be weighing myself daily like I tend to do when I am dieting.

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