Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I think I can I think I can

Well, today is day three of my experiment. I stuck to it, but let me tell you, this first "strict" phase is no joke! You're just so limited in what you can eat. I am especially limited because I don't like fish. I know, I know...eating fish is good for you. I am going to try and force myself to like fish but not right now. Right now, my focus is on making myself like oatmeal. To that end, I had steel cut oats this morning and they have a much more palatable texture than the rolled oats. They still, however, do not taste good to me. I think they will be much better when I add some flavorful things. Today, upon a friend's suggestion, I went by Fresh Market and got some blueberries, raspberries and strawberries with hopes that I will actually start to like oatmeal. I tried to think while eating my oats today (just like a cheesy diet book) that I was eating to fuel my body and not just for my own gluttonous pleasure. I was able to choke down a few bites. I'll let you know tomorrow if the fruit helps. I also got some good tips from readers about what to add once I am no longer in the strict phase.

This is not intended to be a project to force myself to like oatmeal, so I will move on. Although I feel like I have been doing this forever in a day, it has only been three days, so there are no results to report just yet. I can tell you this: I read in the book that your body goes through a detoxification of sorts when you start this plan and I believe it. I had a horrible headache yesterday and I truly feel like it is grueling, at times. I know it will be worth it so I am ever hopeful that I will keep it up! I know it will be much easier and more pleasurable after next week, when I can add some more food choices to my repertoire. I also bought a cookbook and some of the recipes truly look delicious! I can't wait to try those and report to you all how wonderful and delicious and easy this plan is instead of constantly complaining about oatmeal. In addition to the withdrawal symptoms, I also noticed today that I had a lack of appetite. I could not eat the protein with my morning or afternoon snack and I was not really hungry at lunch. I am not sure if that is part of the plan, if my portion sizes were too big (I don't think that is the case) or if I was just sick of chicken and sweet potatoes. Whatever the case, I struggled to eat the suggested diet today. Here is what I actually consumed:
Steel cut oats with cinnamon and 1 tsp vanilla extract
Scrambled egg whites with one yolk

Mid Morning snack
1/2 apple

Spinach salad topped with baked chicken, avocado, tomato and balsamic vinagrette
1/2 baked sweet potato

Afternoon snack
1/2 apple

Baked chicken with chipotle spice
Steamed broccoli florets
1/2 baked sweet potato (although I only ate a few bites)

After dinner
1 small spoonful of natural peanut butter

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