Sunday, November 21, 2010

Well, I made it through the weekend! I am pretty proud of that. The weekend is much tougher than the weekday, because there is no routine. I spent the morning cooking for the week and let me tell you, it gave me such a feeling of accomplishment! I have a really early mediation tomorrow morning (well, it's not THAT early, but it is WAY out in Collierville and I have to be there on time, unlike my regular workday) and I already have my lunch and snacks packed for tomorrow and dinner cooked for tomorrow night! I am hopeful we will settle this case before my midmorning snack :) I highly doubt that will happen but I am going to think positive thoughts. I may have a bit of a struggle keeping to my plan tomorrow with this mediation but I have packed for the day and all I can do is be prepared and remember what I have learned.

So as some of you may have noticed, I have yet to mention exercise in this blog. I am sure you are thinking..."if she is trying to lose weight and get healthy, why doesn't she start working out?" I am not going to make any excuses for myself but I am going to say this: this diet is hardcore at first and requires a great deal of preparation, planning and cooking. I knew that if I was going to stick to it, I needed to establish my eating habits before making any other monumental changes. I felt that if I dove into too many things all at once, I would quickly burn out and I really did not want that to happen. That said, I am getting comfortable with the diet and feel that after a week or two more of the eat clean experiment, I will be ready to add some exercise to my routine.

I was once a committed gym member. In fact, during my first and second year of law school, I worked out every morning before class. Then again after graduation and once I had found a job, I worked out every morning before work. This was a huge commitment on my part as I had to get to the gym at 5 in the morning. My bff Laura even came with me. She was a good sport. Looking back, I do not understand why I did not alter my eating habits at that time. I literally got up at 4:45 every morning and dragged my fat ass to the gym and basically didn't lose any weight because I still ate like crap. When I got pregnant, I fell off of the workout wagon again. I could kick myself for stopping, because while I was not losing any weight, I was getting in much better shape and was much stronger. Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20.

Now, I have a 4 month old. I am not using him as an excuse not to work out, but it does complicate things. I cannot go in the morning because my husband leaves for work too early and there would be no one to watch the baby. After work, I have to rush to the babysitter's house to get Carter and then rush home to cook dinner. I think I need to start with something that I can do at my house in the morning or evenings. Does anyone have a suggestion? I have heard P90X and Insanity work wonders, but I am a little intimidated. What do you think?

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