Monday, November 29, 2010

Biggest Loser Style

I don't know if it's my good influence, so much, or the fact that none of our suits fit anymore, but my office has decided to follow my lead and get healthy! The co-workers have dubbed our little experiment LFC, short for Lawyers' Fat Club. Each of the four of us is going to try a different method of weight loss. I am going to continue with clean eating and try Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred (the workout is still up for change as I have not yet purchased the 30 day Shred dvd). Amber may try the Biggest Loser diet. We're going to go to Barnes and Noble and look tomorrow to make a decision. Chris says his plan is to eat healthy foods and healthy portion sizes. I am not sure what Lee Ann's plan is, but if I had to bet, I'd say she is going to eat Lean Cuisines. She walks in the morning already, so she is ahead of the game exercise wise. I will keep you all posted on whose plan is the most effective. (Hope it's mine!)

Have any of you tried Biggest Loser style office challenges before? I hope it gives me us all a little motivation. We could all use a pick me up.


  1. holly, you will hate the 30 day shred while doing it but absolutely love the results it produces. good job on the clean eating's basically what i do(or attempt to do) on a daily basis. let me know if you want any other food suggestions

  2. i HATE Jillian. haha. not really but I hate her when I'm doing that stupid DVD. It's really good though and I like it because it's quick. It's not working in the gym for hours a day.

    go here to see what my friend Amber's family is for family and you win money :)

  3. Katie-I'm excited to hear that you have been doing the clean eating plan because every time I see you, I think you look great! You are smokin' these days, lady! I am always open to foodie suggestions. I am about to start using the cookbook I bought so that I can mix things up a bit.

    Candice, I am hoping to love to hate Jillian starting tomorrow. I'm going to check out your friend's blog, too, to give my office ideas. Thanks guys!
