Monday, November 15, 2010

Eat Clean Experiment

Things at work are crazy (not in a good way) and I am now doing what I always do when some part of my life is making me unhappy: I am diving head first into something that I can preoccupy myself with. This time, however, I am doing something that is GOOD for me. I will use my blog to update my progress.

Basically, I have decided to start "eating clean." It's not really a diet, so much as it is a change in my eating lifestyle. I mean, it's not a diet in that there is no calorie counting, etc. It is a diet to me, though, as it is so dramatically different than the crap I have been putting in my body for the past 29 years (especially the past 5).

The basic premise of "eating clean" is that you eat foods that are nutritious and whole and good, such as fresh, organic produce and lean meats and avoid all over processed foods, especially white flower and sugar.

As with all diets, the first two weeks are super strict, meant to help break addictions to sugars and other bad things. I wanted to dive into this project whole heartedly, so I went straight to Whole Foods to stock my fridge and pantry.

First, let me say this: I always feel like people at places like Whole Foods are staring at me and thinking that I do not belong there. I do not know why I have this self consciousness, but I faced my fear and went to WF (on a weekend, no less!) and got lots of organic and yummy goodies and (shockingly) did not spend all that much more than I would have for a normal trip to the grocery.

I will keep you all posted on my progress. Wish me luck!

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