Saturday, October 16, 2010

Who IS this person?

For the last 12 months or so, I have been a recluse of sorts, and now, my only excitement comes from family oriented things, and I couldn't be happier about it. Let me give you an example. Next weekend, my sister and I are going on a road trip to Knoxville to see the Vols play. We're staying in the hotel room with my parents and we're taking Carter with us. I have a feeling that this tailgate will be different from my tailgates past and I am super pumped about it! Another example, I spent the evening (Saturday night, mind you) purchasing gifts for my friends' kids' birthdays and watching football and Sex and the City reruns with Carter and I could not have picked a better evening for myself (except, maybe, if Billy were here and we were watching football or a movie together, but he is out with a friend in town from Florida). I was text messaging with another of my mommy friends whilst shopping for the kids' birthday gifts. We have been friends since high school, and we lived together for a year in college, so to say that we have seen some fun times together would be an understatement. We've been to a million football games, traveled the tropics on spring breaks and spent countless nights partying together. Tonight, however, we were discussing how fun the next child's birthday party was going to be because there will be a lot of our friends there. That's right. We are looking forward to a three year old's birthday party. I asked her if she thought our 20 year old selves would even believe it if they saw our nearly 30 year old selves. I am pretty sure I would not believe it. Ha!

A lady I work with always says, "the name of the game is change." I am starting to believe that is true. I wonder what we will be like when we're 40? I wonder if our kids will EVER believe that we were once cool? I doubt it. I barely believe it myself, now.


  1. ROAD TRIP!! HOODY HOO!!! HAHAHA...mixed tapes ready!

  2. yet just think that once the kids are grown & our age, then you can be like our parents and go back to your crazy pre-kid ways :) have fun in knox!
