Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday: 1, Holly: 0

Everyone hates Mondays. It's universal. Lately, however, my Mondays have seemed worse than usual. I don't know what it is, and I am sure my total dread of Mondays that begins the Saturday night before plays a part, but I have been having some truly dread-worthy Mondays recently.

Let's look at today, for example. Carter woke up a little early, so he wanted to eat again before I had to leave the house. That threw my schedule a little off, so I was in a huge rush to drop him off at the babysitter and fly to work to make it in time for my morning consult. I got in the car, only to remember I had ZERO gas. I could not have been more annoyed. I always need gas on Monday mornings. It is like some sort of cosmic curse. I practically threw Carter at the babysitter and zoomed to the nearest gas station as there was no way I could've made it all the way to work without filling up.

Of course, I stopped at the pump that does not allow you to pump and leave, meaning, I had to stand there and hold it. Meanwhile, my phone was bleeping away in the car and I could not get to it. I got back in the car and had about 8 minutes to make the 20 minute drive to work. Of course, I got stuck behind the slowest driver in the universe trying to make my way around Shelby Farms. Then, I hit every light on Germantown Parkway. Once I got to work, there were no parking spaces anywhere near my office, so I sprinted, files in hand, worried that my poor potential client would be waiting on me. She wasn't. She was a no show. People are so @#$#$%$ rude! I risked life and limb to make it to my consult on time and she didn't show up! Note to readers: it is incredibly inconsiderate to make an appointment with a lawyer and not show up for it.

The day has calmed down a little and I am halfway through yet another Monday I did not think I could bear to face. For now, I will make the same promise I make (and break) each week: next Monday, I will have a better attitude.

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