Monday, November 15, 2010

Day One

A success! I am pretty impressed with myself because we had to go to lunch as an office for a birthday party for our former partner who moved to Dallas. Basically, to be a clean eater, you are supposed to eat 5-6 small meals a day. For breakfast, I had oats (oatmeal) and scrambled egg whites. For my mid-morning snack, I had 1/2 of a delicious apple and a few slices of oven roasted turkey (that I roasted this morning before work--turkey breasts). For lunch (out to eat) I had an asian dish that had chicken, broccoli, and snap peas with brown rice. It was delicious! I wish I could hire a chef to help me on my journey! For my afternoon snack, I ate the rest of the apple. You're supposed to have a lean protein as well, but I am having some sinus drainage issues and I just didn't want it. For dinner, we had baked chicken, steamed broccoli, and 1/2 of a baked sweet potato. Dinner was good as well. Throughout the day, I have been drinking as much water as I could. You're supposed to drink a ridiculous amount of water, but as I mentioned earlier, I am having some sinus issues and it has been a chore for me to choke down the required amount of water. I'm still sipping, though.

While I am super proud of myself for making it through the day with the temptations of birthday muffins in the morning and yummy restaurant food at lunch, let me be completely honest. This morning, even though I was in no hurry to be at work, I was TOTALLY overwhelmed trying to get everything ready for the day. I think in order for this to really work and for me to stick to it, I am going to have to prepare for the day the night before. I also plan to cook what I can for the week on Sunday.

Well, so far, so good. I know it's only been one day, but I can already tell that this is going to be a huge commitment on my part. The person who wrote the book that I read about this diet claims that it will make me feel wonderful, fire up my metabolism and help me get and stay lean and healthy forever. I hope she is right! I guess now that I have put it out there for my 6 readers, I will have a little bit more motivation to stick to it! I will let you know how it makes me feel after I've been on the plan for a few days!

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