Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Would You Like Jello With Your Workout?

I purposely waited until many hours after my first Shred workout to post this blog so that I would be able to avoid calling Jillian Michaels an evil succubus. For a 20 minute workout, I definitely felt it! It really isn't Jillian, though. It is me. I am SO out of shape it is disgusting. I literally had to picture the 400 lb Biggest Loser competitors working out to this exact workout for 9 hours a day to force myself through the workout. My fitness is a sad state of affairs. Jillian said that people on their 5th day would find the workout much easier than the first day folks, which I hope is true since I spent much of the workout grabbing my socks, panting and heaving like a madman. I hope that is true. I can already tell that I am going to be sore tomorrow and my legs were jello-esque all morning after the workout. To make matters worse, I grabbed a pair of maternity workout pants this morning and they kept falling down around my ankles. While I am glad they don't still fit, it was super annoying having to pull them up every 3 to 5 jumping jacks. Savor that mental image. It was every bit as funny as you are picturing. One of my goals is to get fit and thin enough to have super cute workout clothes.

I am going to try to stick with the morning workout plan in addition to my clean eating plan. Every diet book/website/magazine article/television show out there says you have to stop making excuses about not having enough time in your day to work out and to make time for yourself. It worked fine this morning, although I did not waltz into work until about 10. I will have to plan better if there is ever a time I need to be at work at a decent hour. That is another thing about this whole health kick I am on, it literally FORCES you to get your shiz together and get organized. I have to plan out meals, get C's clothes, bottles, food, etc. ready the night before, have a rough idea of my clothes for the next day the night before, and the list goes on. It is a lot to take on. Consider this my fair warning to you should you choose to take on something like this.

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