Monday, December 6, 2010

Some People

I realize that I may be the last remaining considerate driver, however, other drivers beware: I am not afraid to honk, scream at you like a madman and/or give you a hand gesture to accompany my screaming and honking. I was driving home from work today and I made the mistake of driving through Shelby Farms and up Kirby Whitten. I totally forgot about Starry Nights traffic. For those of you who are not familiar with the Memphis area, a portion of this drive is two lane and normally, there isn't a lot of traffic, but there is a Christmas light display nearby and it creates logistical mayhem. Anyway, I was headed away from Shelby Farms on Kirby Whitten and was literally sitting in standstill traffic when I came upon a sidestreet and someone trying desperately to turn from said sidestreet, left onto Kirby Whitten. I kindly waited to allow this person to turn in front of me. The other driver had to wait for the traffic heading the other way to stop, since obviously, none of the jerks headed towards Starry Nights had the Christmas spirit enough to stop and let him pass through. The traffic ahead of me moved up approximately 20 feet and I stayed back to wait and let driver turn. Let me remind you, traffic was not moving 20 feet ahead of me and we were not even close to the stoplight. The &*^*^%%$^& people behind me flipped out and honked and yelled as if I could not see that the traffic had moved a little bit in front of me. The a-hole behind them even floored it and zoomed around me, cutting off the poor left hand turn guy. I was so mad I literally had to convince myself NOT to get out of the car and go tell the people behind me exactly what I thought about them. Note: once the left hand driver finally was able to turn in front of me, we waited another 15 minutes to get to the light, so there was literally NO difference in the traffic for me stopping to let this poor guy turn out of his neighborhood. Some people. Another note: after all of my efforts, I do not believe Left Turn Larry bothered to wave in gratitude. That pissed me off even more than the jackassery that was taking place in the car behind me. UGH.

In an unrelated note, I was able to return to my shredding today, and I am optimistic I will even be able to walk tomorrow. Tomorrow, however, my goal is to get out of bed and get going early, because part of the reason I post about this stuff is to show myself and anyone who cares that it IS possible to hold down a full time job, have a child, eat healthy, clean foods and work out regularly. Today, I did not want to get out of bed and I did not want to do my workout but eventually, I did. I didn't make it into work, however, until about 10:30. I realize most people do not have that luxury, so I am going to try and make it a point to get to work at a respectable time to further show myself and everyone else that this life is possible and sustainable.

Tonight, we had split pea soup. It looked disgusting but it tasted pretty good. Stay tuned for my further adventures in clean eating!


  1. 'Round here walking in the office at 10:30 might as well be the same thing as the walk of shame from a fraternity house with no shoes on. I'm jealous you can get to work at your own leisure.

  2. I assure you, that is the only thing to be jealous of when it comes to my job. I definitely appreciate the flexibility, though. I used to get to work between 8:30 and 9 when I first started. Then, when I was pregnant, it was more like 9:30. Now that I have lil C to take care of and am trying to work out in the morning and eat all healthy like, 10:30 is the new 8:00.
