Sunday, January 23, 2011

(Un)healthy obsession

I think I've mentioned it before, but I have developed quite the girl crush on Mama Pea from It's pretty much an obsession. I love her humor, her obvious love for motherhood and her children, and the fact that she was once a lawyer, but in her words, she's "over it." I feel ya, Mama Pea.

Anyway, she is vegan and her kids and husband are vegetarian and she posts all kinds of interesting and delicious-looking vegan recipes on her blog. She seriously makes being vegan totally do-able and delicious. I have to remind myself regularly that she is a stay at home mom, which gives her the time at home necessary to create these vegan masterpieces. Although, I am not sure even if I were at home that I would be able to find the time to do these things.

I decided I would try one of her recipes and post the results. I made BBQ Kale Chips. I am not going to post the recipe because it's Mama Pea's and you can find it on her blog, but they are "chips" made from baked Kale.

Wash the Kale and tear it into "chip" sized pieces.

Pour spices into bowl.

Mix spices up
Sprinkle on kale "chips" and bake.

The Verdict: They were surprisingly good. I mean, they don't taste like chips, of course, but they are satisfyingly crunchy and have good flavoring. Even Billbowski liked them. He tried to force them on our friends last night when they came to visit. They weren't ready for my adventurous Kale chips, but Billbo is used to my strange cooking ways.

Next up: Spaghetti squash and Brussels sprouts.


  1. Yeah, I am going to try these. I bet they were good.

  2. And I am totes going to start reading Peas and Thank you. It looks adorable.

  3. I could not be more obsessed with Peas and Thank You. I will be beating down the door at Barnes and Noble this August when her book comes out. I adore her. I think if she knew how obsessed I was, she might take out a restraining order. Don't worry, Mama Pea...Memphis is far away from Oregon :)
