Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Run for the Border Indeed

I am sure that by now, many of you have heard of the scandal that has recently hit America's favorite fast food restaurant. A lawsuit was recently filed claiming that Taco Bell's "beef," served in their beloved tacos, nachos, burritos and other products is, in fact, barely beef at all. It is actually only 35 % beef (*allegedly). Yes. You read that correctly. The allegation is that Taco Bell beef is made with 35% beef and the remaining 65% is made of fillers and what have you. Is anyone else completely shocked and disgusted? I mean, I am not expecting the top beef cuts when I frequent a fast food establishment, but good grief! I at least expect the meat to contain MEAT, for pete's sake! If these allegations are true, Taco Bell's "beef" doesn't even meet USDA standards, and that is really saying something, considering the ATROCITIES that the USDA allows in the meat industry. It makes me want to gag just thinking about it.

*Note-Taco Bell's mouthpieces are vehemently denying any and all allegations regarding their meat food products. Really, though, where there's smoke, there's fire. Or in this case, Fire Border Sauce to cover up those meat fillers. No wonder they keep coming up with more sauce choices. Perhaps if they make the sauce hot enough, no one will taste it if they completely eliminate all of the beef from the "seasoned beef" that is in virtually every item on the menu.

Shame on you, Taco Bell. Your company makes PLENTY of money off of drunk college kids late night binge eaters American consumers. Do you really need to save money this way? Seriously shameful. Even more shameful that the hot mess that was the "Taco Bell's Drive-Thru Diet," claiming that if people ate off of the fresco menu, they could lose weight. Taco Bell and YUM! Brands Inc. should be hanging their heads in shame.

It's funny that their ad slogan is "Why Pay More?" Perhaps TB should shell out a bit more just to repair its image, although I bet the sales will barely take a hit. People will eat anything. (I am not claiming that I do not love a Taco Bell treat now and then, but I am not sure I will be able to eat there again with this knowledge. It's probably for the best. TB is definitely not clean eating).

Will this news deter you from eating at Taco Bell?


  1. Yes, I read that and yes I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

    I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in a while but I won't say that it doesn't oddly sound good from time to time. You just have to say no.

  2. "considering the ATROCITIES that the USDA allows in the meat industry."

    Really Holly? I would expect you of all people to be more informed before making assumptions. Quit basing your arguments off some shit ass food documentary.

  3. The federal government has an annual budget of about 2.4 trillion dollars- Why would a wealthy country in the middle of an obesity epidemic not allocate resources to help its citizens with diet and nutrition? It’s odd that the government has no budget for advertising their own health advice yet still finds a way to contribute resources to other food campaigns. You’ve seen the slogans: “Got Milk?” “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner” and “Pork. The Other White Meat.” These campaigns, aimed at increasing Americans’ consumption of dairy, beef and pork products, are part of the federal government’s commodity promotion programs called “checkoff” programs. Think about it. Who is benefiting from this – the dairy, beef and pork industries, or the American public?

    So with those industries being promoted, there must be a supply to meet the demand of the consumer (created by USDA) and let's face it, there isn't enough supply going around. We cannot get around the fact that we eat too damn much. of everything. the end.

  4. I actually looked into it a lot after watching the "shit ass food documentary," although, I'll admit, the movie was much more compelling and disgusting than reading some boring articles. Funny you should say "shit ass food," as now that the USDA inspectors inspect meat on an honor system, mostly "inspecting" paperwork instead of the previous system, where inspectors actually looked at, smelled and touched the meat to determine its acceptability, our meat is literally "shit ass" food, filled with animal feces.

    Thanks for the comment, though. I usually think no one but Stacey, Morgan and my sister read this blog. Feel free to school me on how the USDA does an awesome job protecting us from gross food. I would MUCH rather believe that than believe we are ingesting animal feces or toxic chemicals and hormones.

  5. in the last year, out of 35 million cows slaughtered (could be 3.5 million, either way it's still a crazy ass number), 20,000 were tested for diseases. Yeah. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
