Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Time for Change

The beginning of a new year is the time everyone makes resolutions to change or improve their lives in some way. I would imagine about 97% of people's new year's resolutions involve weight loss, or something superficial. Mine does, too. My real resolutions, however, are a little deeper than just wanting to look good in a pair of jeans again. I just hope the jeans look good as a result of my changes.

I got a devotion book in my stocking this year, and the first devotion says, in part, "Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year." I think that is excellent advice and intend to try my best to abide by those words. In order to truly change, to keep one's resolutions, you must change your ways. Otherwise, a resolution is just a group of empty, meaningless words.

The holidays are over, now, so it's time to get back in the saddle. I am sure most of you, if you are weak like I am, ate like crap over the holidays and are dreading the return to "real life," where there are no foreseeable breaks from work, and no excuses to be lazy and gluttonous. Although I always hate to see the holidays come to an end, it's definitely time. Yesterday, I took down most of our Christmas decorations and the house is starting to get back to normal. Today, I will make a trip to the grocery store so that my clean eating project can get back on track as well.

Happy New Year, everyone, and best of luck with all of your resolutions. 2010 was a tough year but it brought me the best gift ever (Carter, of course). Here's hoping that 2011 is our best year yet!

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