Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Case of the Mondays, and Tuesdays...

I didn't post Monday or yesterday, mostly because I was in too ill of a mood to spread that kind of negativity around. I don't know why, but try as I might not to have a piss poor attitude coming into the new year, I have been in a bit of a rut. I tried to change my luck by playing the Lottery for the first time in my entire life (despite the fact that my retirement plan is to win the lottery). Unfortunately, I didn't win. Obviously, as I am at work again today.

Are any of you in a New Year funk? I believe it is partly because I feel like now I have to get back to the grind and there are no upcoming holidays to look forward to. Hopefully, we will have some snow days or something :)


  1. Do you not get of for MLK day??? I'm counting down to January 17th!

  2. I am doing better after that awesome game last night!!

  3. Haley, the game was a boost for sure. Glad the Vols pulled out one big win before Bruuuuce takes his vacation :)

    Kelly...umm...no. I do not work for the government so I am not off on MLK day. I am hoping for a snow day on Monday, though, and I am working from home tomorrow so I can spend some time with C$ since I don't have any consults or court appearances. Yay!
