Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby Steps for Mommy

Tomorrow, I'll be here. It looks like heaven, doesn't it? My mom, sister and I are headed to the beach for a little long weekend of shopping and beaching.

Today, I am somewhere hotter. Much hotter. I am in my own personal hell. I am a little nervous about my first trip away from C-Biz.

That is a lie. I am a lot nervous.

It's only for a few days. Baby steps for mommy.

Billbowski is not used to doing it alone. In fact, he is not used to doing a lot of the day to day baby stuff, especially now that it's baseball season and he's not here.

Enter my crazy behavior. I, of course, have made a list of instructions for Billbo.

I have also done this....

And this...
And this.
CB was impressed with my preparation skills.
He, too, is skeptical that Daddy-O will be able to cut the mustard while mommy is away. (kidding, of course, B is a great daddy...I'm just a worrier).
Just for safe measures, C-Note found his speed with crawling this week, and got himself a big ole bruise on his forehead from the back door to give me the reassurance I needed that he would be safe while I was away. Great.

I'll be back Sunday! Have a great weekend.


  1. As long as you didn't leave a 20 page single spaced document relating to every single thing and leaving instructions for every hour/minute you will be gone, you are much more sane than I was the first time we left. It is so normal to be crazy as a mom! Thank goodness! I hope you have a great trip.

  2. Ha Amy! Thanks! I am glad that crazy is the new normal. Bailey is the cutest thing ever and I love reading your blog and catching up on all things Hickerson!
