Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So, my first trimester was spent basically in a coma, or trying to make it home from work or errands to resume my comatose status. I was so relieved when I entered the second trimester, because my need for 14-20 hours of sleep daily was finally over. Well, here I am, at 30 weeks, in the home stretch, and that need has returned. I am exhausted, yet again. It comes at an inconvenient time because I have so much to do before little Carter gets here! In addition to the fact that I have not finished (or even really started) his nursery, I have a TON of work to do at work to prepare my files and clients and coworkers for my maternity leave. I want to settle as many cases as possible before I go, and get as much work done as possible before I leave for 6 to 8 weeks. The files I cannot finish up, I need to fully organize and make excellent notes for my coworkers to follow so that they can help me while I am gone. Like I's not a great time for exhaustion to take hold, yet again. I am sure this is just preparation for the lack of sleep I will be getting when the little one gets here (at least that is what everyone keeps saying--much to my annoyance), but I feel like no amount of preparation will ready me for that, so I'd rather have my sleep right now, thank you very much.

On a semi-related note, why do people who have children think that they are the most knowledgeable and wise mothers that have ever walked the face of the earth? And why are they so smug and obnoxious about it? I mean, don't get me wrong, not all moms are like that, but so many people have snide remarks about motherhood like I have no earthly idea what I am getting myself into. Well, that may be the case, and my world will more than likely be turned upside down, but even if it is, I am not the first person to have a baby for the first time! Do they not remember when they were new mothers, and how they despised everyone who had annoying things to say such as..."just you wait, when that little one comes, you won't ever sleep;" or "I can't wait until you have to change a diaper;" or "you're going to have to loosen up when the baby comes." It's infuriating! I will figure it out. I am a smart girl...I'm certain that I am smarter than tons of people who have children, and they all seem to manage. The most infuriating of all of those who insist on imparting their wisdom to me are those who don't even have any freaking children! I can hardly keep my mouth shut when these people insist on giving me their opinion on child rearing or breast feeding or whatever. This is a bit of a rant so I will end with that...before I say something that I regret...but let me end with this: it is none of anyone's business whether a woman breast feeds or bottle feeds, or spanks or doesn't, or anything else! If you want to be the perfect mom, have kids of your own, and if you already have, then you had your chance to be perfect, and my guess is that you weren't, so lay off!

Please forgive the rantings of a hormonal woman :)


  1. You seriously make me laugh out loud Holly!

  2. Thanks, Emily. I am sure as a new mom, you know where I am coming from!
