Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Learning to Walk

I decided today was the day that I needed to get my chubby pregnant self up off of the couch and take my sweet babies for a walk. It was Berry's first actual walk on a leash. We have had a leash for her for a while but we mainly use it to take her to Billy's baseball games and not lose her. It was interesting. Buster always loves walking so he was, of course, happy and well behaved. Berry really liked it but I swear, she could not get out from under my feet at first. Spoiled little thing wanted me to pick her up and carry her. Not today! I am way too out of shape to be carrying a 12+ pound puppy our whole walking route (even though we went the short route today). She finally started to get the hang of it after about 1/2 of a mile but she kept running back and froth from Buster's face to my feet, as if she were wondering why we could not all walk exactly side by side. Towards the end of the walk, she got tired, which equals perfect walking form! She did really well, all in all, but I cannot remember ever having a dog that could not walk on a leash. I guess it's been a while since I've had a puppy. She has been such a sweet little angel since we've been back, so perhaps walking is my new secret to sweet puppy behavior! I will keep you posted on whether or not it continues to make her a well-behaved baby or if it was a fluke. She is super cuddly and sweet right now so it was worth all of the pulling and jerking I had to do around the neighborhood!

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